My name is Vroni Effner, I am born in Germany on 04. April 1990.
All my life is about animals. I got a horse and three dogs plus the dogs of my boyfriend, Bert. We are living in Belgium next to a beautiful forest.

When I got my first own dog Jack in 2010, I wanted memories for eternity. At first I used the very old camera of my dad and then bought my first camera, a Canon 650D. I practiced a lot and people kept asking me if I got a new camera or lens or both. No, I didn’t, I just got better with time.
At some point I reached the limits of my camera and searched for a better one. I ended up with the Canon 7D. Some different lenses joined the collection and when the wish for a full frame camera got too big, I invested in a Canon 5D Mark IV.
I took some classes and workshop of different photographers to keep improving. Since I am very strict with myself and with the quality of my photos, almost perfectionist, I always try to get the very best out of it and continue to improve.
For a long time it was just a hobby. I enjoy taking beautiful pictures of my dogs and horse and I love watching them multiple times. So happy I got those memories forever!
I decided I want to make other people as happy as me and here I am taking pictures for others.